News, examples, tips, ideas and plans.
Thoughts around ORM, .NET and SQL databases.

Friday, July 13, 2012

DataObjects.Net 4.5.4 RC

Today we are publishing the next release candidate for the upcoming version of DataObjects.Net.


Changes in 4.5.4 RC:

[main] Fixed comparion of Key fields in interaces in LINQ queries under certain scenarios
[main] Visual experience of License Manager has been improved
[main] Fixed incorrect handling of RemoveFieldHint under certain scenarios
[main] Fixed incorrect behavior in DisconnectedEntityState.UpdateOrigin method


Monday, July 02, 2012

DataObjects.Net 4.5.3 is released

Today we are publishing the final version of DataObjects.Net 4.5.3.


Changes in 4.5.3 comparing to 4.5.3 RC 4:

[main] Fix NullReferenceException under certain validation scenarios
[main] Fixed memory leak in Domain.Build() process


DataObjects.Net 4.4.3 is out

Today we are publishing the final version of DataObjects.Net 4.4.3.


Changes in 4.4.3 comparing to 4.4.3 RC 2:

[main] Fixed memory leak in Domain.Build() process
[main] RemoveFieldHint, ChangeFieldTypeHint are now correctly handled for Structure fields
